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发表于 2005-12-11 00:14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 c# W! v) _$ n5 w 从古老气功文化到宇宙广义能量学 C+ i, p5 k. F# V [" }2 I2 V! q& Y) P: N# h ——国会图书馆将举办李纪星新书演讲会 # n4 Y/ ?8 [; [) W2 X' W" F# B : C/ H* c6 c. S- p9 \$ @7 C 3 i/ s, D6 S) W( u4 G; e# F, T 美国国会图书馆亚洲部 、国际中国文化出版社将于六月二日在国会图书馆举办“新书论坛”演讲会,特邀《宇宙广义能量学》的作者,旅居东京的李纪星先生作专题演讲。李纪星先生自幼习武练功,师从内家拳、佛道医家气功多位大师,他所参加的科学实验曾被十几家日本电视台采访报道。去年十一月在旧金山举办的“第七届世界气功研讨会”上,李先生的发言及现场示范吸引了美国人体能量研究学者的特别关注。二00五年四月以来,美国亚利桑那大学,纽约州立大学石溪分校、杜克大学、以及滨州州立大学先后邀请李先生做 专题演讲及人体能量科学方面的试验,与美国科学家共同探讨人体生命科学领域内一些前沿科学所涉及,但无法完全解释的许多现象。 2 L T. T% ~# t" y' d/ J6 W . @7 U- B6 j% ? t# [. } 此次华府逗留期间,李纪星先生欣然接受他的英文新书《道中起舞 Dancing in the Tao》 (Connecting with Universal Energy to Transform)的出版者——国际中国文化出版社的邀请,与华府各界朋友一起探讨古老东方文化和西方现代科技共同面临的挑战性课题。 - p+ A2 |7 R& ?' I, M % P* v5 i9 }) J: n 人应该如何正确认识,科学合理地使用我们的身体和大脑?人的潜能究竟有多大?我们怎样可以利用科学的训练方法,综合开发和提高我们大脑及身体里蓄藏的的巨大能量? 这些综合训练及开发将会多大限度地影响到我们的身体健康、生活态度、思维方式、甚至人生的轨迹与命运?“天人合一”究竟是一个东方哲学理念,还是一个逐渐被现代前沿科学所证明的可能实现的境界?如果人们不断地有意识地和自然环境、宇宙能量的运行趋势保持和谐与平衡,这对人类社会、自然环境将起到什麽样的转化作用? - | W3 E! U6 j7 E ! D( x$ }0 b4 P" b8 ^4 g _ 新书演讲会上,李先生将用现场示范,提问对话,以及影视的形式,与参会听众共同探讨如何将东方古老智慧与现代前沿科学充分结合起来,以建立面向未来的新科学、新文化与新的哲学思想。李纪星先生认为我们自身就是一台最先进、最现代化的生物计算机,对这一生物计算机的开发改进工程,将对推动目前科学的发展有着极其重要的意义。 % g/ z5 d$ d' I6 S; y! B) C2 p4 u/ v0 ~3 X6 p$ l 新书演讲会由美国国会图书馆亚洲部和国际中国文化出版社共同举办。国际中国文化出版社学者中心主任崇艺农博士将提供英文同声翻译。 9 V' P: \% a5 I5 g: O) I8 h) p* e$ F. g" \1 ^: \5 M! X 时间:六月二日, 12:30------1:30pm & g3 W2 h! U- T3 @" I3 w 地点:Pickford Theater , 3rd Floor 9 u) G: b( L% G7 Q! w0 W: w Library of Congress! ^- T+ Q" z% a- ~# U9 ] 101 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington D.C.- M! Y z( {# E" I: q0 P 联络人: Ms. Anchi Hoh (202) 707-5670 $ K- q6 x% M5 \9 K) L Chong yinong PhD. (301)-458-4145 3 j) v R- {7 b8 ]( H1 A* H9 w- i: u4 j+ e0 Z9 L- X% w % i- ^5 U5 T# ~* y2 Y3 e" j$ ?1 p; v ) _& L$ o4 Y6 i% I# Z 2 D4 s; N* x# o$ g& u/ u7 H 3 ]8 {" z- f. G9 Y; J+ G- SNew Book Release and Lunchtime Seminar ( N8 ~; O; K; P& S8 u, {* f ( r" E& N* A9 ?( }7 w% T, H8 mAt the Library of Congress:6 ?( Y! k! a5 ?# R7 S P 3 K) }5 R! K/ C Dancing In the Tao – % m8 F# U2 H, D1 q8 C. X% F8 T4 h" q3 `9 ]' q- K Connecting with the Universal Energy Field to 6 \9 e) r$ r2 q8 W0 ? + \; l" _4 j) O7 d3 I4 bTransform Your Health and Life 4 k7 ]' ]" B4 Y# Z& i& i. v5 p: n. a June 2, 12:30-1:30; v. P- E* u9 u* z( y: |. z" \ ~+ P( V& x8 V8 k3 I Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor 2 b6 F7 J9 E! b0 K# s; o8 u- u3 p( Q* G- h+ N0 h$ o Madison Building Q+ K) I, B; q0 s, N! h! F : k+ j$ V6 D/ l" U( PLibrary of Congress ; h2 L. G+ C- F5 e5 j( X, J : g+ [ B8 a/ r8 _- y$ a" w' m: `Free and Open to the Public0 s I" n5 n4 ~6 [ 6 n& W8 r" R- [5 n7 j* G; ?& z& nContact: Anchi Hoh Dianu/ |" y8 B& I% R: o / b8 Q9 |) u& L4 J8 D", (202) 707-5673 - Q6 P8 \- {$ Z! e6 i1 g( B. O; i 2 Q1 k4 |& ]$ `- H d( t' c% W& b4 C) |+ G" ` . `' o& r6 ]$ _! @* i' FHuman potential is an infinite array of possibilities, many yet to be revealed and cultivated. How do we realize our greatest potentials? Can we formulate scientific methods to develop ourselves mentally and physically to reach higher levels of creativity and consciousness? How does this self-improvement change our attitudes and thinking, and ultimately our health and life? These are a few questions to be discussed at a lunchtime seminar jointly sponsored by the Asian Division of the Library of Congress and the International Publishing House for China’s Culture. % ?9 Q7 I5 f4 I0 `' e( s% w$ i) N' I Jixing Li, visiting from Tokyo, Japan, is the seminar’s featured speaker and guest of honor at a ceremony hosted by the Library of Congress. The ceremony heralds Li’s newly released English book: Dancing in the Tao – Connecting with Universal Energy to Transform Your Health and Life.! e& X. v3 c) @# \4 _7 O ! r5 N' \3 c s' W5 L- |In his new book, Li explains that the universe is a unified grand energy field consisting of a complex network of energy systems; each human being is a biological energy system capable of using the conscious mind to interface and exchange energy with higher energy systems for enhanced well-being. In Japan, Li has taught many students his interpretation of Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice that cultivates vital energy for healing and living in harmony with nature. In essence, Li’s Qigong training integrates postures, movements, breathing, and meditation to facilitate a connection with universal energy and directs that energy to heal the self and others. 2 O, B6 ~& r4 {( y) G 7 ^; z2 J6 u' w- B1 Q% j% p: e1 @Through four decades of intensive training and inspiration, Li has integrated this ancient wisdom with modern science to develop new methods of tapping universal energy for healing and growth. At the Library of Congress seminar, Li will explain how different energy systems interface with each other, and how each one of us can become a better conduit for universal energy. A video presentation will demonstrate the use of free-flowing Qigong forms to train our mind and body to move in stillness and unification. Most importantly, the presentation will address how to maintain this unity and connection so that universal energy flows spontaneously and continuously into every cell. + G2 {+ O* F' A: }" x+ u, G + \$ q/ [' L2 m2 M* t) @4 H1 n; f' d# W) _1 z7 B$ I : ]' p% p) h1 W' D Li has been practicing Qigong energy healing in Japan for the last two decades and is deemed an extraordinary energy healer by many scientists and researchers who have studied or evaluated him. Beginning at the age of eight, he studied in China for more than twenty years under several masterful martial artists and Qigong healers. He is licensed as a Qigong healer by the Institute of Qigong Science and Research of China and is authorized by that Institute to issue Qigong certification to others. 6 Z( a3 [) h( z 2 ]( U; b# p/ R+ U3 K9 C7 QThe effectiveness of Li’s Qigong healing has attracted both scholarly and popular attention. In the past decade, prominent researchers from Japanese universities and government institutes have conducted many rounds of scientific experiments to measure the power of his Qi, or life-force energy, and to evaluate remarkable results from his healing and rejuvenation programs. Major Japanese Television stations, such as NHK – Japan National Broadcasting, Asahi, Fuji, Tokyo, and Nihon Television, have telecast many of these experiments. In numerous interviews, Li’s work and exercises were featured in dozens of widely circulated Japanese magazines. Additionally, Li is the author of a 1998 Japanese bestseller, The Power of Qigong, published by the PHP Institute of Japan. 3 g- J( c0 b/ ?9 x4 Q; X: ]+ ?4 ^1 Q In November of 2004 and again in May of 2005, Li conducted workshops and provided live demonstrations of energy healing at the Seventh World Qigong Congress in San Francisco and at the State University of New York at Stony Brook respectively, attracting attention from both bio-energy researchers and serious-minded students. Responding to invitations from the University of Arizona’s Center for Frontier Science and Human Energy Lab, Duke University, Pennsylvania State University’s Materials Research Laboratory, and the University of California at Irvine, Li started his first time collaboration with U.S. scientists to further advance the understanding of human subtle energy and the role of consciousness in healing. 1 A; ^# m# `+ v+ Z) n+ j& Z9 z ( W, u- y/ F7 O- }8 _ D$ @+ R % {& ?# v3 B8 Q/ Z+ A$ p9 f# O 9 a! H6 t6 b3 a* A1 v+ eLecture on Qigong Healing, 6/2/2005, 12:30-1:30pm, Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, Madis : i" e, J& i$ YDear ADFS Members:; G. `7 W+ q/ |0 C$ c1 R ) E9 K4 a% o0 T: D Asian Division Friends Society presents a1 } x6 g, k% u$ s9 e Lecture & Demonstration on Qigong Healing/ \- I9 g8 G6 e' O Transform Your Health & Life: ) s7 |4 ^" O/ O) {/ M4 E3 i" WConnect with Universal Energy Field & Supercharge Your Bio-energy System " Z8 t6 K4 x) f' o6 p" ]4 _by Jixing Li, President of the Central Association of Qigong Research in Tokyo, Japan / _) ]8 E- ~5 o+ l/ {* ]. s+ T6 G2 I( A Thursday, June 2, 2005, 12:30-1:30pm5 i3 Q+ O- I8 ^4 @+ y4 R Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, Madison Building . b) y7 k# M: ]6 G9 _Free and Open to the Public l4 P7 @7 J1 jContact: Anchi Hoh Dianu,, (202) 707-56730 O4 r: S/ S* P7 q8 O5 ` ? Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362 (voice/TTY) or e-mail! p3 r: X U! y1 ~+ N+ a4 {. l 5 I1 p! ?3 B0 b4 H. F2 H' \ We hope to see you here!1 K$ p3 L6 M- V1 h9 f ( q5 I: w! ^5 K0 R 1 I: N' k2 O/ Q4 J. a& J " p& j+ a4 r& J6 RAsian Division 7 N. [ A( |( t3 M8 L& C! FThe Library of Congress b' F; D+ k- a# H" j1 eWashington, DC 20540% P( ^+ T5 M N4 h; A v8 P Tel: (202) 707-5673 0 G: a" `5 F1 _4 N) |; OFax: (202) 707-17249 |# m/ h$ F ` 5 |1 b+ N& M! @% v {) K - M# S5 _1 `: j Qigong Master Jixing Li : g5 r4 d2 E/ C6 p0 r $ r' b! L4 _+ F# d ' p2 @0 e3 q1 }0 j0 m0 W1 ? e- y* `/ }; W* P# G: b 4 Q! |0 h# u- P" }# f) [# THuman potential is an infinite array of possibilities, many yet to be revealed and cultivated. How do we realize our greatest potentials? Can we formulate scientific methods to develop ourselves mentally and physically to reach higher levels of creativity and consciousness? How does this self-improvement change our attitudes and thinking, and ultimately our health and life? ( _$ L: U. y4 d0 A7 _. Y, A) V4 s* ~5 i) s+ C* u# m, s These are a few questions discussed in Jixing Li’s new book: Dancing in the Tao – Connecting with Universal Energy to Transform Your Health and Life, published in June, 2005 by International Publishing House for China’s Culture. 7 ^( a4 b Y& Y+ f/ Q+ e ( l: }: R2 _! X5 _9 V' l1 y Jixing Li's new book, co-authored with Yinong Chong, Ph.D., explains that the universe is a unified grand energy field consisting of a complex network of energy systems; each human being is a biological energy system capable of using the conscious mind to interface and exchange energy with higher energy systems for enhanced well-being. In Japan, Li has taught many students his interpretation of Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice that cultivates vital energy for healing and living in harmony with nature. In essence, Li integrates postures, movements, breathing and meditation to facilitate a connection with universal energy and directs that energy to heal the self and others. 2 q; O" p9 U% f* b$ t1 T 9 C3 T" }( D3 d- SThrough four decades of intensive training and inspiration, Li has integrated this ancient wisdom with modern science to develop new methods of tapping universal energy for healing and growth. Li’s theoretical concepts succinctly delineate how different energy systems interface with each other, and how each one of us can become a better conduit for universal energy. Li also demonstrates with his DVD series how to use free-flowing Qigong forms to train our mind and body to move in stillness and unification. Most importantly, the ultimate goal of Li’s training program is to facilitate students in establishing and maintaining this unity and connection so that universal energy flows spontaneously and continuously into every cell. 2 z( w9 \& o; m* y p/ @* ? 6 y& ?# P9 Z, f1 ELi has been practicing Qigong energy healing in Japan for the last two decades and is deemed an extraordinary energy healer by the many scientists and researchers who have studied or evaluated him. Beginning at the age of eight, he studied in China for more than twenty years under several masterful martial artists and Qigong healers. He is licensed as a Qigong healer by the Institute of Qigong Science and Research of China and is authorized by that Institute to issue Qigong certification to others. + F3 ^# \7 ?$ }+ t- w Z - V+ T6 a; F! G9 G& `' kThe effectiveness of Li’s Qigong healing has attracted both scholarly and popular attention. In the past decade, prominent researchers from Japanese universities and government institutes have conducted many rounds of scientific experiments to measure the power of his Qi, or life-force energy, and to evaluate remarkable results from his healing and rejuvenation programs. Major Japanese Television stations, such as NHK – Japan National Broadcasting, Asahi, Fuji, Tokyo, and Nihon Television, have telecast many of these experiments. In numerous interviews, Li’s work and exercises were featured in dozens of widely circulated Japanese magazines. Additionally, Li is the author of a 1998 Japanese bestseller, The Power of Qigong, published by the PHP Institute of Japan. 0 _' s% O% ?4 r4 ?* |/ ^ & e: |' d9 v7 [4 {In November of 2004 and again in May of 2005, Li conducted workshops and provided live demonstrations of energy healing at the Seventh World Qigong Congress in San Francisco and at the State University of New York at Stony Brook respectively, attracting attention from both bio-energy researchers and serious-minded students. Responding to invitations from the University of Arizona’s Center for Frontier Science and Human Energy Lab, Pennsylvania State University’s Materials Research Laboratory, and the University of California at Irvine, Li started his first time collaboration with U.S. scientists to further advance the understanding of human subtle energy and the role of consciousness in healing. * o+ b A0 B# U y; B5 n+ r 9 b# o" r1 m% J 3 E" s7 c) H& V1 |; d" f! ~
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