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发表于 2007-10-21 00:20:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<STRONG><FONT size=2>弄iphone后的遗憾(根据国外评测翻译)</FONT></STRONG> <BR><BR>
# l7 f9 N% {) m' M! ^1 c" S% l, n<DIV>
9 T5 U0 T  ]3 ~6 L<DIV style="FLOAT: left; MARGIN-LEFT: 14px; WIDTH: 96%">4 F% [9 ~' `2 {; r1 A) _
( F4 T  L! e+ a  u6 M# j( M<P>英文原文出自 <A href=""><FONT color=#0066cc></FONT></A><BR>中文由 <A href="mailto:jetlifearles@mitbbs"><FONT color=#0066cc>jetlifearles@mitbbs</FONT></A> 翻译.</P>
: o/ M' h% P- T% h2 Q: [4 G8 r# l* C<P>1. iphone 的蓝牙*只能*用来连接<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>蓝牙耳机</FONT></A>,不支持其它类型的蓝牙设备。</P>/ K  m4 x) m# x" y
<P>2. iphone 没有内置任何文件管理器,数据,文件的管理只能由相关程序自己完成。</P>
# a8 Q* d& M1 Q; ?5 F/ g+ m<P>3. 内置的照相机只有一个快门按钮,没有任何其他功能。 拍出的照片在 iphone 屏幕上看还行,但换到<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>显示器</FONT></A>上看就很一般了,尤其是使用微距照相的情况下</P>4 E" o0 s8 q! J* d' g9 D" X
<P>4. 几乎无法更换 SIM 卡。</P>
$ W; D0 N' _+ v2 a* R, {<P>5. 互联网浏览器非常慢,即使是通过wifi 访问互联网时依然很慢。就算很简单的 OneList 网络应用也需要超过 20 秒中才能在使用wifi 的时候打开。 你不能在浏览一个网站时从网页加亮,复制,粘贴文本到其它应用程序。你也不能保存网页上的<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>图片</FONT></A>到 iphone 里。iPhone 上Safari 唯一的亮点就是支持分页浏览,但当我用分页浏览功能同时连接 engadget 和 youtube 网站时,浏览器立即崩溃了。浏览器也是 iphone 里唯一支持横屏<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>键盘</FONT></A>模式的应用程序。</P>
+ Y% D* p, K+ [% B$ u! s<P>6. iphone 软<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>键盘</FONT></A>极其垃圾。据营业员讲软<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>键盘</FONT></A>会逐渐学习你的使用习惯,来使文本输入变得更准确,但即使营业员所说是真的,iphone 也不是一个支持单手输入文字的设备,不看屏幕盲打输入更是完全不可能。 </P>4 ^8 _4 K# v  u1 W. |7 O- z$ K
<P>7. 使用邮件功能时,一次只能发送一张<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>图片</FONT></A>作为附件。</P>
9 w8 n2 w$ K* I$ E% P1 _/ y<P>8. 用户不能添加自定义铃声,系统警告声音不能替换成别的声音。</P>" q' C9 [2 H1 d
<P>9. 系统默认的铃声极其垃圾。</P>( z% P& j: [( d) r% ~0 S& N. f2 a
<P>10. 除了糟糕的系统默认铃声外,用户唯一能做的定制操作就是更换墙纸了。 但墙纸只有在你刚解锁 iphone 和接听电话时才能看到。</P>
3 Y6 o$ D  V) U8 B, Z# Z<P>11. 同时用两个手指来缩放,浏览<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>图片</FONT></A>的功能很好玩,但并不实用。这类操作必须要在两个手同时操作电话的场合才能进行。</P>' V, C0 K: [# o$ v: p
<P>12. 没有文本编辑器或文本查看器,不能直接把文档传到 iphone 里供以后查看,目前唯一的绕过方式就是把文本作为附件发到电子邮箱里,然后用附件查看功能来看。</P>* P+ N% g, E/ m& v# G0 f3 m) G( X, v
<P>13. 可视语音留言的功能延迟非常明显,用起来就像使用传统语音信箱时按下快进或快退键的感觉类似。这个功能也许只对每天会受到无数语音留言,而且需要把留言按优先级排序的人使用。</P>( i" _! w  K" K2 y) P: `" @
<P>14. 没有游戏,一个都没有。</P>
9 ]2 H  K) J# K6 r<P>15. 没有语音拨号。</P>
& f% C( q  n7 n( S( d! M; x' H6 W<P>16. 没有一键快捷拨号功能 ( 你可以用所谓快速列表来拨号, 但使用快速列表比普通<BR>电话上的一键拨号功能麻烦多了)</P>: ]3 l% ^7 x3 F1 G- e- R
<P>17. 不支持<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>视频</FONT></A> (译注:不是有 youtube 么?)</P>
! R7 |+ L8 g* t& i$ q' y<P>18. 不支持 MMS (多媒体彩信)</P>6 g1 p' A( {: j6 q/ E4 o
<P>19. $500 买 &lt; 内置4G 闪存,$600 买 &lt; 内置8G 闪存还是太贵了。</P>* T* ~/ k2 D: D7 j  r
<P>20. 基本上话大约 两个小时就可以熟悉内置菜单的每一个角落,每一个功能了。 基本上没有任何可扩展功能, 目前唯一的扩展可能就是通过浏览器连接外部网页来模拟应用程序。但外部网页连接速度极满,使用起来也不如本地应用程序那么流畅。</P>, Q8 k. {/ y$ B" D' Q$ c# r
<P>iPhone 看起来像是给有钱,同时需要一个花哨,引人注目的设备的消费者准备的。 由于 iphone 遗漏了如此多的基本功能,我们很难认为它是一个成功的主流<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>手机</FONT></A>。&nbsp;$500 买 &lt; 内置4G 闪存,$600 买 &lt; 内置8G 闪存还是太贵了。</P>  x& {6 X! J' }+ O
<P>20. 基本上话大约 两个小时就可以熟悉内置菜单的每一个角落,每一个功能了。 基本上没有任何可扩展功能, 目前唯一的扩展可能就是通过浏览器连接外部网页来模拟应用程序。但外部网页连接速度极满,使用起来也不如本地应用程序那么流畅。</P>  J# t# ~7 G! V' r0 E+ s0 |3 W
<P>iPhone 看起来像是给有钱,同时需要一个花哨,引人注目的设备的消费者准备的。 由于 iphone 遗漏了如此多的基本功能,我们很难认为它是一个成功的主流<A class=keyword href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>手机</FONT></A>。</P>
. w5 [7 N  B' r  f% G1 e+ n/ h<P>"1. Bluetooth is ONLY good for connecting a headset. Thats it.<BR>2. There is no file browser on the device at all. Data must be organized (ifat all) in the appropriate application.<BR>3. The camera is a simple application that has ONE button: the shutter. Pictures come out okay on the device, but nothing too fancy on a monitor, especially if it was an attempt at a macro shot.<BR>4. SIM card is damn near impossible to open, if at all. I didnt look into it extensively.<BR>5. Web browser is slow, even over WLAN. Even the simple OneList web app thatwas created takes around 20 seconds to load over WLAN. You can not highlight, cut, copy, or paste and text from a website, and you can not saveany images you find from a website either. The only nice thing about it is the tabbed browsing, which crashed on me when I wenttoEngadget and YouTube<BR>on two tabs. This is the only application that allows you to use the keyboard in landscape mode. <BR>6. The keyboard sucks. It gets slightly better after the iPhone "learns" you, as the employees said, but even then, its not a device you can use with one hand comfortably, much less without looking.<BR>7. You can only send one picture at a time in an email. <BR>8. No custom ringtones (yet, as we were being told) and the alert tones can not be changed whatsoever.<BR>9. The default ringtones are incredibly lame. <BR>10. The only form of customization outside of a lame default ringtone is thewallpaper, which youll only see when you need to unlock the device or whenyou get a phone call. <BR>11. "Picture pinching" or using two fingers to zoom on any content is certainly fun to play with, but not practical whatsoever. This operation depends solely on using the device with two hands. <BR>12. No document editor or native viewer. You can not store documents on the device to be viewed, they can only be viewed as attachments when theyre sent to your in an email.<BR>13. Visual voicemail is laggy and reacts about the same way as pushing the fast forward and rewind buttons on traditional voicemail systems. The only advantage is for those that get that many voicemail messages a day that theyneed to sort them according to priority.<BR>14. NO games. None. <BR>15. No voice dialing.<BR>16. No speed dialing (which can be made up by the "quick list", but getting o that quick list isnt as fast as holding a single key on a real keypad).<BR>17. No video.<BR>18. No MMS. <BR>19. Its still &lt;4GB for $500 and &lt;8GB for $600<BR>20. It only takes around 2 hours to explore every menu without any options for expandability except to scrounge around for new web apps that will load slowly and nowhere near as smoothly as the native apps"<BR></P></DIV></DIV>
发表于 2008-10-19 21:51:25 | 显示全部楼层
thx for share
发表于 2009-5-19 03:02:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-28 07:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
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